Keys To Consistency: Slide Foot

In part 1 of this series we took a look at the trail leg as a key to consistency. In part 2 we’re going to discuss the importance of the slide foot. Remember consistency and the ability to repeat shots is a key to success in bowling.

In order for anything to be balanced it requires a solid foundation. That’s true for anything we can think of. The stability of a table relies on its legs. I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of sitting at a table which has one leg shorter than the other. The table is constantly shifting. In bowling a solid foundation relies on our slide foot.

With that in mind it’s important to realize bowlers have a couple of different styles. Some that actually slide on their slide foot and other who “plant”. The latter implies that they do not slide. You can tell the difference by watching the slide foot as it comes out of the power step. If the bowler steps heel to toe then they are likely a “planter”. If the toe points first they are likely a slider. These two broad categories define the vast majority of bowlers but, it’s no guarantee that a heel to toe bowler doesn’t slide at all. Keep in mind that with bowling there are only a few absolutes. Usually, if movement is repeatable and productive it’s generally fine.

With that said, some important characteristics are common among bowlers. The toe of the slide foot should point to the bowler’s intended shot line. It should complement and agree with the hips and shoulders. If the bowler’s foot deviates from the shot line a loss of balance and accuracy is usually the result.

One extreme example of a problem slide is the “Hockey stop”. I’m not a big Hockey fan but, I have skated using Hockey skates. The way you stop is to move the front foot perpendicular to the line your skating on. This causes the skate’s blade to dig into the Ice producing a rather violent slide and pretty quick stop.

Some bowlers exhibit the same movement where the heel of their slide foot moves parallel to the foul line with the heel pointing away from the ball side, resembling a Hockey player coming to a stop. Why is this a bad idea? Well,  when that happens your hips naturally follow causing them to open along with your shoulders resulting in moving your entire body off the intended shot line. Some slight movement in the heel is not too bad. I’ve seen many bowlers who are successful and do not have their heel perfectly in line with their toe.

The opposite movement is also just as detrimental. If you allow your heel to move toward the ball side of your body the opposite affect is often the result. It can result in closing the hips and shoulders which will result in inaccuracy and a loss of balance overall.

These are examples of extremes but, I’m sure you realize the point I’m driving at here. The key is to keep your slide foot quiet and point at the intended shot line. Once it comes to rest in such a way, it can then provide the solid base you’re looking for.

Take some time to practice the ideas mentioned in this article and see if helps improve your consistency. Watch the same examples I suggested in the last article. Notice the position of their slide foot. All of them create a very solid base which allows them to be consistent shot to shot. In case you forgot the players include: Parker Bohn III, Kim Terrell-Kearney, Stephanie Nation, and Brian Voss.


Fran Varin is a USBC Silver certified coach who coaches throughout Rhode Island. He is also a coach for the Rhode Island Flyers and Bryant University. He can be reached at

Keys To Consistency: Trail Leg

Consistency and the ability to repeat shots is a key to success in bowling. But, how can we attain such consistency? Is it just a matter of practice and countless hours of repetition? That is certainly a key component but, we must be practicing the right things in order to improve. Over a couple of articles I’ll spend some time discussing some key components in attaining consistency.

Kim Terrell-Kearney has always been known for her consistency from shot to shot. Notice Kim’s trail leg, it’s picture perfect.

When you boil it all down a key component to consistency is a balanced leverage position at the foul line. Balance is an important factor because it enables us to maintain a consistent release shot to shot. Balance and leverage are important and the goal is to consistently get your body into a position where you can apply forward momentum and power to your ball roll. There are several components to the proper finish position at the foul line. Let’s take a look at just one of those components.

Believe it or not your ball side leg  plays a tremendous role in balance and consistency. I’d be willing to bet that many reading this have never really thought about what their ball side leg does, what it is supposed to do, or its importance. It is so important, that’s the reason I’ve decided to start there and dedicate an entire article to it.

Parker Bohn III – The smooth lefthander makes generating leverage seem effortless. Notice his trail leg.

First, the ball side leg or “trail leg” as it is often referred to, should sweep past the non-ball side leg staying low to the floor. This motion does two things. It acts to distribute the uneven weight produced by the bowling ball which, of course, assists in maintaining balance. Next, by moving out of the way it enables the bowler to keep the swing path close to the body in a vertical line with the ball-side shoulder and the bowler’s head.As with most things in bowling, timing is everything. The proper time for the trail leg to begin its journey is when the bowler begins the downswing out of what is known as the “power step”. The Power Step is the last step where the bowler transfers momentum forward into the slide. When the ball passes the hip the trail leg’s heel should point to the non-ball side of the bowler. This subtle action allows the bower’s hips to open which gets them out of the way of the swing path. As the trail leg reaches its resting place on the bowler’s non-ball side, the heel is moved to point to the bowler’s ball side which causes the bowler to close the hips. The simple movement of the trail leg’s heel causes  torque in the swing, clears the hips from the swing path and aligns the bowler’s body to the shot line once complete.

Brian Voss – Another shining example of balance and leverage.

By keeping the trail leg low it enables the bowler to keep the shoulders back in a strong balance and leverage position. Two handed bowlers are an exception. Due to the contortion of the body necessary to deliver a ball with two hands, it is expected that the trail leg will be well off the floor.

The trail leg should settle into a position that forms a triangle between the floor (forming the base of the triangle) and the bowlers legs. There’s no magic perfect angle. Essentially, it should be a comfortable space between the trail letg’s knee and the non-ball side leg enabling the bowler to maintain good balance and does not hinder the follow through. It should be noted that the trail leg’s position should be past the non-ball side leg at about a 45 degree angle. Be careful not to over rotate your hips and avoid leaving your trail leg pointing straight back too! These two points bring about inconsistency and hamper balance and leverage.

The final balanced position at the foul line is referred to as “post position”. From a coaching perspective, we look to see if a bowler can hold a solid post position for the entire time the ball travels down the lane. If a bowler can accomplish this without strain and looks solid at the line, it’s a general indication they have achieved balance.

Well, that’s a lot to take in. But, I’ll bet some of you never realized the importance of your trail leg! As you can see there is a lot more to it than perhaps you realized and it does play a very important role.

Take some time to practice the ideas mentioned in this article and see if helps improve your consistency. Watch some really good examples of solid finish positions. Some bowlers who come to mind are Parker Bohn III, Kim Terrell-Kearney, Stephanie Nation, and Brian Voss. As always…have fun with it!


Fran Varin is a USBC Silver certified coach who coaches throughout Rhode Island. He is also a coach for the Rhode Island Flyers and Bryant University. He can be reached at